From the monthly archives:

June 2007


McSweeney’s in a spot of trouble (

McSweeney’s in a spot of trouble (

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Feuds: Ben Greenman Attacks Seth Rogen

MEN AT WARYesterday we were faxed a letter written by New Yorker writer (and sometime Gawker contributor) Ben Greenman. It’s addressed to actor and “Knocked …

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This Is Your Life (and How You Tell It) – New York Times: Stories are stories, after all. The attractive stranger at the airport bar …

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Psychology Today: Champions of the Lost Cause

Psychology Today: Champions of the Lost Cause

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Aristotle’s work on tragedy survived; his work on comedy did not. We have the classical rules for the one but not the other, and this has biased the development of all western literature. We’ve been off-centre ever since.

Aristotle’s work on tragedy survived; his work on comedy did not. We have the classical rules for the one but not the other, and this …

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A lightning memory, in short, is not so much a matter of capacity as it is of ruthless pruning.

A lightning memory, in short, is not so much a matter of capacity as it is of ruthless pruning.
Forgetting May Be Part of the

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The Long Tail of Google Maps

myoffice2 Everyone’s very excited about the new Street View feature in Google Maps and the cool 3D view in Microsoft maps. And they both are indeed …

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George Ayittey’s critique of “coconut republics” — too good to keep to ourselves

In the months before each TED, we ask speakers to fill in a short, casual questionnaire for the program guide, answering questions like “Who are …

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