From the monthly archives:

November 2007


Jonah Lehrer’s Proust Was a Neuroscientist overstates the case.

Jonah Lehrer’s Proust Was a Neuroscientist overstates the case.
Here’s a pretty safe bet: At some point this week, somewhere in the world—a darkened auditorium, …

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The future is already here, it’s just unevenly distributed

The future is already here, it’s just unevenly distributed

It’s an odd feeling when your life could be a setting for a William Gibson sci-fi …

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Junior’s (4/5)

Junior’s (4/5)
What can I say? Wisdom of crowds and all that: the cheesecake here really is transporting, as would be the forklift required to …

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David’s Barber Shop (3/5)

David’s Barber Shop (3/5)
Well, economic headlines have not queered the march of price increases here in Cobble Hill, where David’s base cut is now …

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Star of India (2/5)

Star of India (2/5)
Allow me to disabuse us of some misconceptions. The 23$ lunch for two special: not such a value. No naan or …

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The Hipster Darfur: Mortgage Crisis To Ethnically Un-Cleanse Manhattan

The Hipster Darfur: Mortgage Crisis To Ethnically Un-Cleanse Manhattan

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