From the monthly archives:

May 2009


Too smart for our own good

The premise behind any worry that kids are getting dumber is that this is a bad thing, a development to deprecate. If Johnny can’t write …

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Attribution Lacking

Revising the details, checking the facts, finding new archives: Those are what is most exciting for historians. Failing to give credit deliberately destroys the traces,

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The Evolution of Jewish Humor

A well-curated lightning tour by Chris Bonanos. The Evolution of Jewish Humor — New York Magazine.

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Videogames and Nostalgia

Video games may have been an escape, or a respite, or a memory of fun and intense competition, but whatever they are to the people

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Stephen Metcalf, Explaning the Rise of the Parenting Genre

The more fragmented, individualistic and competitive a society, the more the common institutions with at least some child-rearing function—the church, the public school, the actual

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Love’s Labors and Costs

But even if Miller, like many a marketer who came before him, flogs his product too hard, his broadest point is well taken: We are

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Shop Class as Soul Craft

As Michael Agger writes:

We all can’t become motorcycle mechanics. And while Crawford would not be so unsubtle as to suggest direct prescriptions for happiness,

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Be Easy

Magazine editors are among the most unhappy people in the country. This is especially true now, with the industry imploding. But it’s been true for

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