From the monthly archives:

July 2009


Reading Dickens Four Ways

I decided to read Little Dorrit four ways: paperback, audiobook, Kindle, and iPhone.

via Reading Dickens Four Ways –…

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Ancient warfare: Fighting for the greater good

Lethal warfare drove the evolution of altruistic behaviour among ancient humans, claims a new study based on archaeological records and mathematical simulations.

via Ancient warfare:

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‘Spent: Sex, Evolution, and Consumer Behavior’

Mr. Miller endorses mass media and most of the fruits of marketing and globalization. He makes the extravagant claim that “American and French revolutions brought

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Some thoughts on the anthology

If the novel is the vinyl record, the anthology is the mixtape—it defies escape into any particular work in exchange for seeing the whole of

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CRAP paper accepted by journal- New Scientist

At New Scientist we love a good hoax, especially one that both amuses and makes a serious point about the communication of science. So kudos

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Silencing a Voice That Says You’re a Fraud

Many people’s Inner Critic makes an appearance early in life and is such a constant companion that it’s part of their personality.

via Silencing a

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Farewell to Judgment

The works of Shakespeare contain important knowledge. But it is not scientific knowledge, nor could it ever be built into a theory. It is knowledge

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A Manifesto for Scholarly Publishing

Commercial publishers, except for those who produce scientific and technical books, generally don’t traffic in hard ideas. They’re too difficult to sell in scalable numbers

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