Ethics Statement
Welcome to my writing portfolio site,
For those interested, I’ve published this ethics statement as a place to collect and document professional standards issues that may arise from time to time for anyone who, like myself, self-identifies as both a journalist and consultant.
I also want to ensure that the aggregation of outside links and authors’ stories in my linkblog is clearly articulated and understood.
Purpose of
The purpose of this site is two-fold:
- To collect an assortment of my published writing since 2000; and
- To curate and share what I’ve been reading on and offline that I think would interest readers of my writing.
My intention with the latter is to make clear attributions to my immediate source, the author, publication and date.
Journalistic Ethics
I take my professional standing as a freelance journalist very seriously. I draw sharp divisions between my work as a journalist and as a consultant, and uphold the strictest definitions of each. As a journalist I routinely sign contracts that explicitly demarcate my ethical responsibilties and declare existing conflicts of interest. I do not curry favor with or solicit media attention for clients through my own writing. I will continue to embroider this section with details that seem pertinent as matters of disclosure.
In the spirit of full disclosure, the remainder of this statement is editorially inspired by Kara Swisher and the statement on her Dow Jones-owned All Things Digital website. In keeping with my nerdcore fancy, I’d like to start a collection of such ethics statements: be sure to send your favorites my way.
“Recommended Reading”: The Linkblog
I’ve made every attempt to clearly mark all linkblog entries, many of which quote from the sources to which they link, as the original work of others with some standard legal language.
The aggregation of outside content is an issue of personal and professional interest, since I have experienced being plagiarized and have also consulted with clients, many of them professional journalistic institutions, seeking to make meaningful (and legal) use of content aggregation on the web. As has stated in their own disclosure statement for aggregating outside content:
We are fully aware of the controversies around how linking and aggregating is done on the Web and we, in no way, are attempting to “scrape” original content created by others. Instead, regarding third-party posts, we are trying to point readers of this site to other posts from around the Web that we admire and are trying to do so in the quickest manner possible. The Internet is full of terrific content that is not ours and we want to help our readers find it by making editorial suggestions–Look, Mom, no algorithm!–of posts we think are worth their time.
I collect these links for two reasons:
- One, as a way of cataloguing ideas that may contribute to my future writing projects; and
- Two, as a way of simply sharing good writing and thoughtful journalism.
A few remaining details worth summarizing here as statements of principle:
- I only excerpt from larger works or posts;
- 100% of entries are clearly labeled as originating elsewhere, and not to be attributed to or myself;
- The original author his or herself is often explicitly mentioned (this is largely determined by site metadata standards);
- I have not removed comments or sharing icons from these entries but will do so on a request basis from their authors or publishers; and
- I make no editing changes to these entries nor do I make any claim to copyright.
If your work is excerpted here, and you wish it removed, please let me know immediately. I will comply and refrain from pointing to any of your work in future.
Does this get the job done? Reach out if you have the time to let me know how you’d rate the effectiveness of my own statement here.