From the category archives:

Boston Globe

A selection of my published work since 2001 is available here. Contact me with any specific requests.


U. Tube

Originally in: Boston Globe's Ideas section

Want a free education? A brief guide to the burgeoning world of online video lectures.

Thumbnail image for U. Tube

Reserve another laurel for Edward O. Wilson, the Pellegrino University Professor emeritus at Harvard, serial Pulitzer winner, and prominent intellectual: online celebrity.

Forget Charlie Rose …

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Q&A with Lewis Lapham

Originally in: Boston Globe's Ideas section

Thumbnail image for Q&A with Lewis Lapham

Machiavelli predicted the Blackwater debacle. The Qing dynasty’s homeland security experts knew Great Walls make for great neighbors. Riding the rails was safer in Joseph …

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Sim Civics

Originally in: Boston Globe's Ideas section

New game-like computer software is empowering ordinary citizens to help design better cities. Can the professionals and the public learn to play well together?

Thumbnail image for Sim Civics

FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, the future of urban planning arrived in the form of a wonkish but strangely addictive new computer game. In SimCity, a player …

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