From the category archives:


A selection of my published work since 2001 is available here. Contact me with any specific requests.


Why do people still need to celebrate the web?

And why, in our modern media culture that thrives on contrarianism, is there not substantial scepticism about the web – not the slightest suggestion that

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How Celebrities Stay Famous (Regardless of Talent)

What is less clear is how people, ideas and practices become prominent in the first place, Schaller says. In baseball, performance is likely to provide

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In Movie Review Multiplexes, Online Readers Join In

“So the paradox is that the Web has invigorated criticism as an activity while undermining it as a profession,” Mr. Scott said.

via In Movie

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Reading Dickens Four Ways

I decided to read Little Dorrit four ways: paperback, audiobook, Kindle, and iPhone.

via Reading Dickens Four Ways –…

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A Manifesto for Scholarly Publishing

Commercial publishers, except for those who produce scientific and technical books, generally don’t traffic in hard ideas. They’re too difficult to sell in scalable numbers

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Lingering | n+1

Naturally everyone wants to believe that by spending time online we are not steadily depriving real art, thought, and journalism of the attention and—since so …

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Ross Douthat on ‘Digital Barbarism – A Writer’s Manifesto’

Where the critics of copyright perceive the Internet age as a potential Renaissance being blocked by overconsolidated corporations, Helprin worries, plausibly, that the spirit of

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David Carr on Twilight in the Media Profession

[A]s recently as four or five years ago, to be a member of Manhattan media, you weren’t rich, but you lived as a rich person

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