Portfolio of Jeffrey MacIntyre
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TED then creates videos of the speeches and puts them online so they can find a broader audience — and usurp my life.The Medium …
Keens Steak House (3/5) on Yelp.comGraciously old school, aggressively priced carni-philia. But they let us BYOB and didn’t even pass on a corkage fee.…
Bangalore, we have a problem.
My mind is a microwaved hot dog. I’ve just stumbled on a site that offers web content for $4. Four.…
more on baraka
A lot of readers have written in, after the long poem by Amiri Baraka, to demand to know who indeed he was …
Bushisms: Harper’s Index Reviews the Bush Era…
It didn’t take us very long to learn to rely on Gregg when we had to check out an issue of continuity,” Mr. Cuse said. …
Joy Indian Restaurant (4/5) on Yelp.comThis place has officially proven itself in my books. Along with its twin restaurant in Crown Heights, this joint …
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