Now a charisma-sensei — lucid, affable, groomed for “The Charlie Rose Show” — is all but a tenure shoo-in, an asset no blue-chip university can be without. On TV or billboarded on the Barnes & Noble front table, the charisma-sensei is an emissary for the relevance and exuberance of the brand, be it Harvard, Yale or Chaucer. Best of all, his online lectures now might go viral, playing around the world — beyond the reach even of Charlie Rose! — alongside clips of the Chinese Olympian Qiu Jian or the Lebanese singer Fairuz in concert. What better way to prove an institution’s embrace of globalism, new technology and populist models of information dissemination?
The College Issue – The Camera-Friendly, Perfectly Pixelated, Easily Downloadable Celebrity Academic –
Now a charisma-sensei — lucid, affable, groomed for “The Charlie Rose Show” — is all but a tenure shoo-in, an asset no blue-chip university can be without. On TV or billboarded on the Barnes & Noble front table, the charisma-sensei is an emissary for the relevance and exuberance of the brand, be it Harvard, Yale or Chaucer. Best of all, his online lectures now might go viral, playing around the world — beyond the reach even of Charlie Rose! — alongside clips of the Chinese Olympian Qiu Jian or the Lebanese singer Fairuz in concert. What better way to prove an institution’s embrace of globalism, new technology and populist models of information dissemination?
(This content has been aggregated from a source and author external to this site. Read up on the practice of linkblogging and my use of it here. Authors and publishers are welcome to contact me.)
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