
In The Atlantic, Nicholas Carr argued that search engines are making us stupid and that a decade of hyperlink hopping was “chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.” Caleb Crain pushed the debate in a different direction on his blog Steamboats are Ruining Everything, noting, “Reading online does not seem to me to be a pleasure in itself but a response to irritation. That is, it is not like eating an ice cream cone; it is like scratching an itch.

January 7, 2009

In The Atlantic, Nicholas Carr argued that search engines are making us stupid and that a decade of hyperlink hopping was “chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation.” Caleb Crain pushed the debate in a different direction on his blog Steamboats are Ruining Everything, noting, “Reading online does not seem to me to be a pleasure in itself but a response to irritation. That is, it is not like eating an ice cream cone; it is like scratching an itch.
Ryan Bigge | TheStar.com | Ideas | The year in review: 2008 was a teeter-totter

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